“…the faithful were hoping for a resurrection. It finally came.”
“Bryant’s presence has remained inescapable in Tuscaloosa, on campus, especially at Alabama games. During the lean years of the early 21st Century, it almost seemed creepy to outsiders. As if, the faithful were hoping for a resurrection. It finally came. He just doesn’t wear a houndstooth hat.” from http://www.govolsxtra.com/news/2013/jul/18/mike-strange-as-tide-rolls-on-has-nick-saban/ This article is from an article…
We can try
“We accept the love we think we deserve…” “Can we make them know they deserve more?” “We can try.” — The Perks of Being a Wallflower I didn’t really expect to find a lot of theology when Lis and I sat down to check this one out. Yet, here it is. For me, this is…
At some point you have to stop running
“At some point, you have to stop running and turn around and face whoever wants you dead. The hard thing is finding the courage to do it.” — Katniss in Catching Fire
Good timber
“Good timber does not grow with ease; the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.” — Willard Marriott via @JohnCMaxwell
Our belief about the Gospel
“Your salvation (what you believe about the Gospel) is not demonstrated by never falling, but but what you do when you fall.” J. D. Greear from “Being Certain You Can Be Certain” on January 20, 2013 Note of this quote was made when listening to the sermon. Sermon audio says “what you believe about the…
… our hearts are restless …
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” — St. Augustine of Hippo Mentioned by J. D. Great in his February 27, 2013 sermon. Original: “Fecisti nos ad te et inquietum est cor nostrum donec requiescat in te.”
All get what they want
“All get what they want; they do not always like it.” – Aslan in The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis
The cross of Jesus Christ is offensive to our sensibilities
“The cross of Jesus Christ is offensive to our sensibilities. Here’s why. If you give me a list of do’s or don’ts, that’s kind of a sport! I control my own destiny, and I control my own fate, so if all I have to do to be loved by God is maybe get up early…
…there can be no sense of community
“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” — Anthony J. D’Angelo Seen posted as a motivational poster in an elevator in the building I work in. Kinda awkward, but it works.
The Scriptures reveal the foremost desire of God’s heart
“From beginning to end, the Scriptures reveal that the foremost desire of God’s heart is not our salvation but rather the glory of his own name. God’s glory is what drives the universe; it is why everything exists. This world is not present, spinning and sailing in the universe, so that you and I might…