Be sure to sing Blessed Lord tonight
“Be sure to sing Blessed Lord tonight – and sing it well.” – the last words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We are beggars
“We are beggars, this is true.” – the last words of Martin Luther
”… someone is saying, he is sleeping…”
Alistair Moore: [smiling] Sherlock Holmes, when did you become such a cliche? [Sherlock Holmes stands at the grave of his friend Alistair Moore, accompanied by Alistair’s ghost] Sherlock Holmes: Came here today because, um… because I loved you very much. And I wanted you to know that you’ll be missed. Alistair Moore: [quoting from Waiting…
“… it ain’t nothing compared for the contempt my government has for me.”
After I watched Molly’s Game and heard a “Sorkinese” line I remembered I saw “Trial of the Chicago 7” on IMDb. When the scene was playing out, I could tell the line was coming. And it still landed just fine. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip Harriet: “If Al Gore had won the election, if…
“No. I know it for sure.”
I watched “Molly’s Game” earlier this week and recognized a line I like from a show I love. A bit of Sorkinese… The West WingJohn Hoynes: “You ever wonder about that, Josh”Josh Lyman: “No sir, I know it for sure.” Molly’s GameLarry: You didn’t start with drugs until the end. They weren’t the problem, they…
Stages to Every Great Work of God
“There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” ― Hudson Taylor (Goodreads) via The Happy Rant Podcast
“… something he will die for …”
“If a man has not discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live. — Martin Luther King, Jr. via Rebecca McLaughlin in Confronting Christianity
Moses’ face was shining…
“Moses’ face was shining like a lightning bugs hind end…” -Gresh Harbuck – Gresh Harbuck, “1 Thessalonians, Part 3” from The Book of 1 Thessalonians: Standing Firm I forget the specific reference in the message. But what can I say, it was memorable.
It was discussed…
The god’s nostrils flared. One of the grape leaves on his hat burst into flame. “If we know each other from that other camp, it’s a wonder I haven’t already turned you into a dolphin.” “It was discussed,” Percy assured him. “I think you were just too lazy to do it.” Percy and Bacchus, The…
“Life is only precious because it ends, kid.”
“Life is only precious because it ends, kid.” Mars to Frank, Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan