• He was cleaning his 12 gauge with Maker’s Mark

    “Did you see Charlie?” “After the show. He was cleaning his 12 gauge with Maker’s Mark and muttering ‘Kill the wabbit.’” — “Contempt”, The Newsroom (03×04)

  • “Daddy is the one who drives when everyone else is too tired.”

    “Daddy is the one who drives when everyone else is too tired.” — Unfinished Business (Movie)

  • “People drink coffee to get along in life and they drink tea to relax.”

    “People drink coffee to get along in life and they drink tea to relax.” — Myke Hurley, “My Shoes Are A Bit Dusty”, Episode 9 of Analogueat the 7:04 mark Drafted on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 8:30 PM

  • “Pretending you weren’t the Doctor, when you were the Doctor more than anybody else.”

    The Tenth Doctor: All those years, burying you in my memory.The Eleventh Doctor: Pretending you didn’t exist. Keeping you a secret, even from myself. The Tenth Doctor: Pretending you weren’t the Doctor, when you were the Doctor more than anybody else. The Eleventh Doctor: You were the Doctor on the day it wasn’t possible to…

  • “You’ve seen the men you will become.”

    The Moment: You’ve seen the men you will become. The War Doctor: Those men. Extraordinary. The Moment: They were you. The War Doctor: No. They are the Doctor. The Moment: You’re the Doctor, too. The War Doctor: No. Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.…

  • “What I did, I did without choice.”

    The War Doctor: What I did, I did without choice. The Doctor: I know. The War Doctor: In the name of peace and sanity. The Doctor: But not in the name of the Doctor! — “The Name of the Doctor”, Doctor Who [7.14] Edit(18 May 2013)

  • … is really not to learn

    “…to learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know.” — Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

  • Good men don’t need rules

    Madame Kovarian: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules. The Doctor: [turns his head slowly to look at her] Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many. Hmm? Madame Kovarian: Give the order. Give the order,…

  • Welcome aboard

    The Doctor: Ah. Right. Yes. Bigger on the inside. Do you like it? Wilfred: I thought it’d be cleaner. The Doctor: Cleaner?! I could take you back home right now. Wilfred: Listen Doctor. If this is a time machine, that man you’re chasing. Why can’t you just pop back to yesterday and catch him? The…

  • “You’re gonna end me, aren’t you?”

    John Sculley: “You’re gonna end me, aren’t you?” Steve Jobs: “You’re being ridiculous. I’m going to sit center court and watch you do it yourself.” — Steve Jobs (Movie) from the second trailer for “Steve Jobs” via http://www.macrumors.com/2015/07/01/official-full-trailer-for-steve-jobs-movie/ Probably not the last quote to come from this movie. Or even this trailer. For various reasons I’m fascinated…