Dr. Brannon on discipline
“If it keeps wandering off, a shepherd will break a sheep’s legs to protect it. But after it heals, the sheep will stay closer than ever.” — Dr. John Brannon in REL 309, Session 5 This statement was made in response to a classmate’s presentation involving the book of Haggai.
Driven to my knees
“I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to turn.” — Abraham Lincoln via @nickcarroll
Philippians 1:2-11 (NIV)
To close out the final session of REL 309, Dr. Brannon read this following “An Outstretched Hand”: “2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanksgiving and Prayer 3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I…
An Outstretched Hand
Each of us was made by Godand some of us grew tall.Others stood out in the windtheir branches bent and fell.Those of us who walk in lightmust help the ones in darkness up.For that’s what life is all aboutand love is all there is to life. Each of us was made by Godbeautiful in His…
“To get the full value of a joy…”
“Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” — Mark Twain From Dr. Brannon in REL 309, Session 5.
Leo on faith
“Act as if ye have faith and faith shall be given to you. Put it another way, fake it till you make it.” — Leo to Bartlett in “In The Shadow of Two Gunmen”, The West Wing Leo to Bartlett in a flashback when Bartlett is unsure of himself, but Leo has no doubts.
For dead people to live, not bad people to be good
“Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people live.” — Dr. John Brannon in REL 309, Session 3 (2011 June 27)
Strong lines, dynamic purposes
“Strong lines are motivated by dynamic purposes.” — Kenneth Hildebrand Heard from Dr. Brannon in REL 309, Session 3 (2011 June 27).
When the President stands, nobody sits
“In this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.” — President Josiah Bartlett in “The Midterms”, The West Wing
A very impressive tomato
“There was this time that Annie came to with this press clipping. Seems these theologians down in South America were all excited because this little girl from Chile had sliced open a tomato and the inside flesh of the tomato had actually formed a perfect rosary. The theologians commented that they thought this was a…