Simply put, a place to put of all the things other folks have said that made me think, “I’ve got to remember that.”
Sometimes they will be from movies, sometimes song lyrics, maybe church signs, or something someone said while waiting in line at the store.
They either make me laugh or make me think or somewhere in between.
The footer quote from André Gide says it well: “Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”
I’ve found myself highlighting and saving off quotes of interest for years. A while back I came across the idea of a commonplace journal or book. Almost immediately I found myself nodding and saying, “Yep, that.”
I have an offline Commonplace section in my Journal for more personally introspective items. But the items here are things that I think may be interesting, entertaining, or both for folks who may come across this site.