Category: Uncategorized

  • Be sure to sing Blessed Lord tonight

    “Be sure to sing Blessed Lord tonight – and sing it well.” – the last words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  • We are beggars

    “We are beggars, this is true.” – the last words of Martin Luther

  • ”… someone is saying, he is sleeping…”

    Alistair Moore: [smiling] Sherlock Holmes, when did you become such a cliche? [Sherlock Holmes stands at the grave of his friend Alistair Moore, accompanied by Alistair’s ghost] Sherlock Holmes: Came here today because, um… because I loved you very much. And I wanted you to know that you’ll be missed. Alistair Moore: [quoting from Waiting…

  • “… it ain’t nothing compared for the contempt my government has for me.”

    After I watched Molly’s Game and heard a “Sorkinese” line I remembered I saw “Trial of the Chicago 7” on IMDb. When the scene was playing out, I could tell the line was coming. And it still landed just fine. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip Harriet: “If Al Gore had won the election, if…

  • “No. I know it for sure.”

    I watched “Molly’s Game” earlier this week and recognized a line I like from a show I love. A bit of Sorkinese… The West WingJohn Hoynes: “You ever wonder about that, Josh”Josh Lyman: “No sir, I know it for sure.” Molly’s GameLarry: You didn’t start with drugs until the end. They weren’t the problem, they…

  • Stages to Every Great Work of God

    “There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.” ― Hudson Taylor (Goodreads) via The Happy Rant Podcast

  • Moses’ face was shining…

    “Moses’ face was shining like a lightning bugs hind end…” -Gresh Harbuck – Gresh Harbuck, “1 Thessalonians, Part 3” from The Book of 1 Thessalonians: Standing Firm I forget the specific reference in the message. But what can I say, it was memorable.

  • It was discussed…

    The god’s nostrils flared. One of the grape leaves on his hat burst into flame. “If we know each other from that other camp, it’s a wonder I haven’t already turned you into a dolphin.” “It was discussed,” Percy assured him. “I think you were just too lazy to do it.” Percy and Bacchus, The…

  • “Life is only precious because it ends, kid.”

    “Life is only precious because it ends, kid.” Mars to Frank, Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan

  • You will never be saved against your will…

    “You will never be saved against your will; God drags nobody to heaven by their ears.” — C.H. Spurgeon via @c_h_spurgeon on Instagram