Category: Television
Leo on faith
“Act as if ye have faith and faith shall be given to you. Put it another way, fake it till you make it.” — Leo to Bartlett in “In The Shadow of Two Gunmen”, The West Wing Leo to Bartlett in a flashback when Bartlett is unsure of himself, but Leo has no doubts.
When the President stands, nobody sits
“In this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.” — President Josiah Bartlett in “The Midterms”, The West Wing
A very impressive tomato
“There was this time that Annie came to with this press clipping. Seems these theologians down in South America were all excited because this little girl from Chile had sliced open a tomato and the inside flesh of the tomato had actually formed a perfect rosary. The theologians commented that they thought this was a…
No one’s wanted either of them
In the sixth season of “The West Wing” President Bartlett has the opportunity to attempt to broker peace between the Palestinians and the Jews. The two different camps are meeting at Camp David with various members of the west wing staff. One of the scenes depicts the two different groups as evening is beginning going…
We forget…
“We forget because we must.” — Elton Pope in “Love and Monsters”, Doctor Who
Ted needs a leg to stand on
“Hi, leg warehouse, my friend Ted needs something to stand on. Yea, nothing to stand on? Ok.” — Barney in “Game Night”, How I Met Your Mother (01×15)
I can only hope, sir
Toby had recently used the President’s name to arrange an honor guard at the funeral of a homeless vet who had been found dead on a park bench wearing a coat Toby donated. President Bartlet: “Toby, If we start pulling strings like this don’t you think every homeless veteran will come out of the woodwork?”…