Category: Television

  • “You’ve seen the men you will become.”

    The Moment: You’ve seen the men you will become. The War Doctor: Those men. Extraordinary. The Moment: They were you. The War Doctor: No. They are the Doctor. The Moment: You’re the Doctor, too. The War Doctor: No. Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame.…

  • “What I did, I did without choice.”

    The War Doctor: What I did, I did without choice. The Doctor: I know. The War Doctor: In the name of peace and sanity. The Doctor: But not in the name of the Doctor! — “The Name of the Doctor”, Doctor Who [7.14] Edit(18 May 2013)

  • Good men don’t need rules

    Madame Kovarian: The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules. The Doctor: [turns his head slowly to look at her] Good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many. Hmm? Madame Kovarian: Give the order. Give the order,…

  • Welcome aboard

    The Doctor: Ah. Right. Yes. Bigger on the inside. Do you like it? Wilfred: I thought it’d be cleaner. The Doctor: Cleaner?! I could take you back home right now. Wilfred: Listen Doctor. If this is a time machine, that man you’re chasing. Why can’t you just pop back to yesterday and catch him? The…

  • “He was being kind…”

    “He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing… the fury of the Time Lord… and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden. He was being kind… He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains forged in the heart…

  • Still got my lunch money

    “I say we strap a polygraph onto the teleprompter. Humor to lighten the load. I recommened that he take the censure and if any of you’d been on the inside you’d have recommended it to. How does he deliver the State of Union in two weeks? He’s the President of the United States. When he…

  • … or if you think you’re gonna lose …

    “You know, if you don’t want to run again, I respect that. But if you don’t run because you think it’s gonna be too hard or you think you’re gonna lose, well, God, Jed, I don’t even want to know you.” — Mrs Landingham in “Two Cathedrals”, The West Wing

  • Thieves get rich

    “Thieves get rich and saints get shot and God don’t answer prayers a lot.” — Jack Rudolph in “The Focus Group”, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip

  • I wouldn’t stop for red lights

    Josh Lyman: “I’m just sayin’ if you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for a beer.” Donna Moss: “If you were in an accident, I wouldn’t stop for red lights.” — “17 People”, The West Wing

  • Charlie, my father gave this to me

    Charlie Young: “Okay, Mr. President, I say this with all possible respect, but each of these knifes cuts… you know… meat. Why is it important?” President Bartlett: “‘Cause it’s something we pass on, something with a history. So we can say, my Father gave this to me, his Father gave this to him and now…