Category: Movies

  • “Daddy is the one who drives when everyone else is too tired.”

    “Daddy is the one who drives when everyone else is too tired.” — Unfinished Business (Movie)

  • We can try

    “We accept the love we think we deserve…” “Can we make them know they deserve more?” “We can try.” — The Perks of Being a Wallflower I didn’t really expect to find a lot of theology when Lis and I sat down to check this one out. Yet, here it is. For me, this is…

  • When a guy does something stupid…

    “Because when a guy does something stupid once, well that’s because he’s a guy. But if he does the same stupid thing twice, that’s usually to impress some girl.” — The Once-ler, The Lorax

  • Unless someone like you…

    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” — Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

  • How you know it’s an adventure

    “Are you sure about this? We could get into trouble.” “That’s how you know it’s an adventure.” — Trailer for Hugo

  • The line must be drawn here

    “I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We’ve made too many compromises already; too many retreats. They invade our space and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! And I will make them pay for what they’ve done.” — Captain…

  • But not today

    “Chances are, sooner or later, we’re going to end up behind bars or buried in a ditch somewhere. But not today.” — Dominic Torreto, Fast Five

  • Nothing to give you

    “I have nothing left, nothing to give you. I have no pride, no dignity. No money, I don’t even know how we’ll make a living, but I promise I’ll love you the rest of your life.” — Wyatt Earp, Tombstone

  • Only one problem with this little plan

    Il Duce: “Someone’s trying to call them out. You kill a priest. In a church. And make it look like it was them. Bring them back with a vengeance. Someone thinks it’s really clever. Only one problem with this little plan.” Father MacManus: “What’s that?” Il Duce: “It worked.” — Noah ‘Il Duce’ MacManus to…

  • Il Duce’s Prayer

    “And when I vest my flashing sword And my hand takes hold in judgement I will take vengeance upon mine enemies And I will repay those who hase me O Lord, raise me to Thy right hand And count me amoung Thy saints.” “Whosoever shed last blood. By man shall his blood be shed. For…