Category: Commonplace

  • When the President stands, nobody sits

    “In this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.” — President Josiah Bartlett in “The Midterms”, The West Wing

  • A very impressive tomato

    “There was this time that Annie came to with this press clipping. Seems these theologians down in South America were all excited because this little girl from Chile had sliced open a tomato and the inside flesh of the tomato had actually formed a perfect rosary. The theologians commented that they thought this was a…

  • From suffering the strongest souls

    “Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” — Kahlil Gibran Heard from Dr. Brannon in REL 309, Session 2.

  • Our words are but crumbs

    “All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.” — Kahlil Gibran Heard from Dr. Brannon in REL 309, Session 2.

  • We’re gun collectors not soldiers

    “We’re gun collectors not soldiers. It’s like, ‘Oh, I love this antique gun and it was my grandpa’s gun and I polish the gun and I showcase the gun and I love the gun.’ Shoot something. […] You can have a great Gospel; you never pull the trigger.” — Mark Driscoll in “Love the Gospel…

  • No one’s wanted either of them

    In the sixth season of “The West Wing” President Bartlett has the opportunity to attempt to broker peace between the Palestinians and the Jews. The two different camps are meeting at Camp David with various members of the west wing staff. One of the scenes depicts the two different groups as evening is beginning going…

  • Preach faith till you have it

    “Preach faith till you have it; and then, because you have it, you will preach faith.” — Peter Böhler to John Wesley Dr. Brannon actually told me this story in one of my earlier classes with him. Having been unable to remember the exact quote, I hadn’t been able to find it online. On the…

  • “I Walked a Mile with Pleasure”

    “I walked a mile with Pleasure;She chatted all the way;But left me none the wiserFor all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow,And ne’er a word said she;But, oh! The things I learned from her,When sorrow walked with me.” — Robert Browning Hamilton Heard from Dr. Brannon in REL 309, Session 1.

  • What a generation allows

    “Whatever one generation allows, the next will embrace.” — Unknown Heard from Dr. Brannon in REL 309, Session 1. I was unable to find a credited author for this one. Dr. Brannon used it in the first session of my Prophetic Literature class and it resonated with me. As with many that do, it found…

  • Dr. Brannon on sermon preparation

    “[Sermons should be prepared] with the Bible in one hand and the newspaper in another.” — Dr. John Brannon in REL 309, Session 1