“The cross of Jesus Christ is offensive to our sensibilities. Here’s why. If you give me a list of do’s or don’ts, that’s kind of a sport! I control my own destiny, and I control my own fate, so if all I have to do to be loved by God is maybe get up early and read my Bible, and maybe memorize a couple of verses, and maybe only cuss in my head, and quit fighting, and quit drinking, and quit sleeping around…
If I have a list of what I’m supposed to do versus what I’m not supposed to do, then ultimately salvation belongs to me. I manage it. I run it. It’s on me, and I get to compare myself to you, and I get to boast in me. I get to boast in me because I’m better than you. I’m more disciplined than you. I’ve unlocked the key way beyond you. He’s saying these men want to have you circumcised because when you preach the cross, you get persecuted, because the cross says you don’t do anything.
You are saved by God, through God. He owns it all, so you have nothing to boast in. You get to boast in nothing. You have no grounds on which to boast in anything.”
— Matt Chandler, “Fig Leaves, Lies and the Grace of God”
– Matt Chandler, “Fig Leaves, Lies and the Grace of God”
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