“So God is ferociously committed and Jesus glorifies God by coming and saving and healing what could not save and heal itself. So God is glorified in that He says, “I have come to save sinners.” This is actually Jesus’ illustration. “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” So He’s saying, “I didn’t come for the righteous; I’ve come for the sick.” So for those of you who are in here going, “Oh poor me. I’m such a sinner. I’ve rebelled so much,” yes you have, but here’s the good news. In your rebellion, God has made a way and Christ has come, which trumps your pity party and blows it out of the water.”
— Matt Chandler, “Incarnations and Implications” on December 11, 201
from “Incarnations and Implications”
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