“There was this time that Annie came to with this press clipping. Seems these theologians down in South America were all excited because this little girl from Chile had sliced open a tomato and the inside flesh of the tomato had actually formed a perfect rosary. The theologians commented that they thought this was a very impressive girl. Annie commented that she thought it was a very impressive tomato.
I don’t know what made me think of that.
Naval Intelligence reports approximately 1200 Cubans left Havana this morning. Approximately 700 turned back due to severe weather. Some 350 are missing and presumed dead. 137 have been taken into custody in Miami and are seeking asylum. With the clothes on their back they came through a storm and the ones that didn’t die want a better life and they want it here. Talk about impressive.”
— President Josiah Bartlett in “Pilot”, The West Wing
A very impressive tomato
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