
     You know, it’s not at all often that the forewords and intros to a book slap you in the face and awaken you to a reality you lost the ability to dream was possible. As a matter of fact I’ve never read anything with such impact, until yesterday that is. In two pages all the hope that I’ve slowly lost over the last five years was returned in a flood of grace. All I could do was close the book, lay it easily on the counter, and hope I didn’t cry like a child missing it’s mother.

     Hope restored to a life that was slipping through fingers so slow and steady that it almost wasn’t noticed. That is until the world stopped for one instant and things were seen for what they were. And there was a flicker…

     “The safeset road to Hell is the gradual one – the gentle slopes, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.” -Clives Staples Lewis







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